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 Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French

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PostSubject: Frenc Translation of Court Terms   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 6:46 am


Absolute Discharge (A court may in exceptional circumstances grant an absolute discharge; whilst the accused has been convicted, no criminal conviction is recorded against their name and they are free to go.)

Admonished (Warned by the court to behave.)

Community Service Order (Unpaid work for the community, administered by the Social Work Department.)

Deferred Sentence (Court may defer sentence for a number of reasons. It may defer for up to a year to see if an accused person has been of good behaviour.)

Disqualification (Court may disqualify an accused from driving for a specified period.)

Drug Treatment and Testing Order (Intensive form of probation in which an accused undertakes compulsory drug treatment and testing.)

Endorsement (In driving offences penalty points may be endorsed on a driving licence.)

Fine (Can be paid by instalments. Payments are to the clerk.)

Imprisonment (Sent to jail.)

Probation (Can involve additional conditions, such as to undergo medical treatment, but will involve compulsory meetings with a social worker to discuss the problems in an accused’s life, e.g. alcoholism, drug addiction.)

Supervised Attendance Order (If a fine is unpaid court may impose such an order requiring an accused to attend at a scheme run by the social work department.)



Le Renvoi Absolu (un mai de cour de justice dans les circonstances exceptionnelles accordent un renvoi absolu; tandis que l'accusé a été condamné, aucune conviction criminelle n'est enregistrée contre leur nom et ils sont libres d'aller.)

Réprimandé (Prévenu par la cour de justice pour se comporter.)

L'Ordre de Travail d'intérêt public (le travail Impayé pour la communauté, administrée par le Département de Travail social.)

La Sentence Reportée (la Cour de justice peut reporter la sentence pour un certain nombre de raisons. Il peut reporter depuis jusqu'à une année pour voir si un accusé a eu du bon comportement.)

La disqualification (la Cour de justice peut retirer à un accusé le permis de conduire pendant une période indiquée.)

Le Traitement de Médicament et Évaluant l'Ordre (la forme Intensive de probation dans laquelle un accusé entreprend le traitement de médicament obligatoire et la mise à l'essai.)

L'endossement (Dans la conduite des points de pénalisation d'offenses peut être endossé sur un permis de conduire.)

Amende ou (Parfait): (Peut être payé par les acomptes. Les paiements sont à l'employé de bureau.)

L'emprisonnement (Envoyé à la prison.)

La probation (Peut impliquer des conditions supplémentaires, comme subir le traitement médical, mais impliquera des réunions obligatoires avec un assistant social pour discuter les problèmes de la vie d'un accusé, par ex. alcoolisme, dépendance de la drogue.)

L'Ordre d'Assistance Supervisé (si une amende est impayee la cour de justice peut imposer un tel ordre exigeant à un accusé d'être présent à un projet dirigé par le département de travail social.)
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PostSubject: Translation of Standard Court Terms   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 8:13 am

Hi All

Due to the success of the medical translation, we have decided to upload some standard court terms for translation this week! cheers

I have laid them out in the same way as the medical terms in that the word(s) to be translated are in bold on the left hand side with a brief definition in brackets alongside to aid with the understanding of the word.

Have fun and thanks in advance



High Court of Justiciary (It deals with the most serious crimes. It can impose up to life imprisonment and there is no limit on the monetary penalty it can impose.)

Sheriff Court (Uses both summary and solemn procedure. In summary offences the Sheriff can fine up to £5000 and imprison a first offender for 3 months. Certain repeat offenders can be imprisoned up to 6 months. When using solemn procedure the Sheriff can imprison for up to 3 years, impose an unlimited fine, or if the Sheriff thinks the case is serious enough can remit the accused to the High Court for sentencing.)

District Court (Can imprison for up to 60 days or impose a fine not exceeding £2,500. Deals only with summary procedure, and more minor offences. Has a power to remit a case to the Sheriff court but this power is seldom exercised.)

Lord Advocate (The head of the prosecution service in Scotland. Issues instructions and guidance to Procurators Fiscal and to the police. The Lord Advocate, or more usually advocates depute will conduct trials in the High Court.)

Procurator Fiscal (Local prosecutors throughout Scotland, assisted by one or more Procurator Fiscal Deputes who conduct prosecutions in the Sheriff and District Courts and prepare serious cases by way of Precognition.)

Accused (The person who sits in the dock accused of committing the crime on the indictment or complaint.)

Defence Agent (This term includes the lawyers, a solicitor or advocate, who will act on behalf of an accused.)

Clerk (Each court will have a clerk who will normally sit in front of the judge and record the proceedings.)


Solemn Procedure (Uses a jury (of 15) to hear more serious cases. Notification of the charges is contained in an indictment that runs in the name of the Lord Advocate.)

Summary Procedure (No jury, hears more minor cases. Notification of the charges is contained in a complaint that runs in the name of the local Procurator Fiscal.)

Common Law (Has built up over time through custom and practice and decisions of the courts. Most crimes are crimes at common law, e.g. murder, rape, assault, theft.)

Statutory Law (Parliament either in Westminster or Edinburgh can legislate to make certain actions criminal. Such legislation may also alter the powers of sentencing. Examples include Road Traffic Act 1988 and Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.)

Public Interest (All crimes are prosecuted in the public interest. A prosecution can take place even where the parties involved have come to some form of private agreement. The Lord Advocate and Procurators Fiscal decide whether to prosecute.)

Precognition (The process by which a Procurator Fiscal prepares a case under solemn procedure. This will include interviewing witnesses at his/her office.)

Bail (An accused person may be released from custody on bail. Conditions are attached and extra conditions, such as not to enter a specified area or contact a named individual, may be imposed. Only a court can alter a bail order)

Social Enquiry Report (Prepared by a social worker who reports to the court on an accused's personal circumstances and their suitability for the various types of sentence.)


Custody Court
(Where people appearing from custody first appear. Under solemn procedure an accused will appear on petition and may be committed for further examination or fully committed until liberated in due course of law. The accused is not asked to plead guilty or not guilty)

Diet Court or Pleas Court (Under summary procedure the first calling of non-custody cases, when the accused is asked to plead guilty or not guilty.)

Intermediate Diet Court (For summary cases, a week or two before the trial, at which the accused must appear and state his/her plea and preparedness for trial.)

First Diet Court (For solemn cases, a week or two before the trial at which the accused must appear and state his/her plea and preparedness for trial.)

Trial Court (Where trials take place, can often be more than one in busier courts.)

Remand Court (Deal with continued business such as deferred sentences.)

Fines Enquiry Court (Where the court will ask an accused why they have not paid their fine. Can give them more time to pay, a supervised attendance order or order imprisonment.)


Absolute Discharge
(A court may in exceptional circumstances grant an absolute discharge; whilst the accused has been convicted, no criminal conviction is recorded against their name and they are free to go.)

Admonished (Warned by the court to behave.)

Community Service Order (Unpaid work for the community, administered by the Social Work Department.)

Deferred Sentence (Court may defer sentence for a number of reasons. It may defer for up to a year to see if an accused person has been of good behaviour.)

Disqualification (Court may disqualify an accused from driving for a specified period.)

Drug Treatment and Testing Order (Intensive form of probation in which an accused undertakes compulsory drug treatment and testing.)

Endorsement (In driving offences penalty points may be endorsed on a driving licence.)

Fine (Can be paid by instalments. Payments are to the clerk.)

Imprisonment (Sent to jail.)

Probation (Can involve additional conditions, such as to undergo medical treatment, but will involve compulsory meetings with a social worker to discuss the problems in an accused’s life, e.g. alcoholism, drug addiction.)

Supervised Attendance Order (If a fine is unpaid court may impose such an order requiring an accused to attend at a scheme run by the social work department.)

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Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Note Regarding Training Course   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 9:21 am


Please contact Jenny at the office if you would like to attend
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Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Comments on B LINGUO translation of medical terms into French   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 6:12 am

This is the first time I post a message on this forum so I hope that it will make sense... and look forward to hearing what you think about it.

I have gone through B LINGUO translation of medical terms into French and below are my suggestions for some of the terms in the list (i.e. those not mentioned mean that I agree with B LINGUO's translation). Note: I have not gone over the explanations supplied in French between brackets, just the actual translation of the terms. Here it goes:-


PCV vaccine conjugué contre le pneumocoque / antipneumococcique conjugué, n.m.

MMR vaccin ROR (rougeole, oreillons et rubéole), n.m.

IVP vaccination contre la polio(myélite) (paralysie infantile), n.f.



Antenatal prénatal, adj.
Anti D vaccine anti D (injection pour les femmes qui sont de rhésus négatif), n.m.


Blood count hémogramme sanguine, n.m. / numération formule sanguine (NFS), n.f.
Blood pressure cuff tensiomètre (à poignet / à bras) / brassard tensiomètre, n.m.
Bowels intestin, n.m.
Breech birth naissance par le siège, n.f.


Cerumen cérumen, n.m.
Collapse chute, n.f. ( ?) OR : s’effondrer, v.
C-section césarienne, n.f.


Disorder trouble, n.m.
Drug abuse toxicomanie, n.f.

Embryo embryon, n.m.
Erysipelas érysipèle / érésipèle, n.m. (infection aiguë de la peau due à un streptocoque, caractérisée par une plaque rouge douloureuse et de la fièvre)
Exertion effort, n.m.
Express milk exprimer / tirer du lait, v. (à l’aide d’un tire-lait)


Failure kidney insuffisance rénale, n.f.
Fetal distress souffrance fœtale, n.f.
Fit attaque / crise, n.f.


Gum gencive, n.f.


Heartburn aigreurs / brûlures d’estomac, n.f. plur. Also : pyrosis, n.m. (sensation de brûlure remontant le long de l’œsophage, par reflux du contenu de l’estomac)
Hepatitis A hépatite A, n.f.
History (medical ~) antécédents médicaux, n.m. plur.
Hyperemesis hyperémèse, n.f. (Vomissements continuels. Terme souvent employé pour désigner les vomissements incoercibles et parfois inquiétants de la grossesse.)


Impairment (renal ~) nécrose rénale, n.f.
Influenza grippe, n.f.


Labour travail, n.m. / couches, n.f. plur. (être en couches)


Mastitis mastite, n.f.
Miscarriage fausse couche, n.f. / avortement spontané, n.m.
Morbidity morbidité, n.f.
Myocardial infarction infarctus du myocarde, n.m.
Mid-stream urine échantillon permictionnel, n.m.
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) prolapsus mitral, n.m. (glissement anormal d’une partie de l’appareil mitral vers l’oreillette gauche, lors de la systole ventriculaire)
Mottled marbré(e), adj.


Neonate nouveau-né, n.m.
Nocturia nycturie, n.f. (élimination d'urine ayant lieu principalement la nuit)
Notification déclaration d’une maladie, n.f.


Outpatient treatment soins médicaux en consultation externe d’un hôpital, n.m. plur.


Pass urine/a kidney stone uriner / passer un calcul rénal, v.
Pathogen agent pathogène, n.m.
Pertussis coqueluche, n.f.
Postnatal postnatal(e), adj.


Referral to hospital renvoi à l’hôpital, n.m.
Rash rougeurs, n.f. plur. / éruption cutanée, n.f.


Sanitation assainissement, n.m.
Seizure crise d’épilepsie, n.f.
Specimen of urine échantillon d’urine, n.m.
Stillbirth enfant mort-né, n.m. / mortinaissance, n.f. / accouchement d’un bébé mort-né, n.m.
Stroke accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) / accident cérébrovasculaire, n.m.
Stupor état de stupeur, n.m. / perte de l’initiative motrice, n.f.


Tachycardia tachycardie, n.f. (accélération du rythme cardiaque)
Tenderness endolorissement, n.m. ( ?)
Terminal illness maladie incurable, n.f.
Termination of pregnancy avortement, n.m.
Tonsillitis amygdalite, n.f. (inflammation des amygdales)
Twitch secousse musculaire, n.f. / mouvement (nerveux) convulsif, n.m.


Withdrawal sympton symptôme de sevrage, n.m.


BP TA (tension artérielle)
BTW PN (poids de naissance)
CAD MC (maladie coronarienne)
CT TDM (tomodensitométrie) (scanner)
CVA ACV (accident cardiovasculaire)
CVC CV (cardiovasculaire)
EFG EG ( ?) (encéphalogramme)  EEG (électro-encéphalogramme)  MEG (magnétoencéphalogramme)
ECG ECG (électrocardiogramme)
ENT ORL (oto-rhino-laryngologie)
FPC CPF (centre de planning familial)
FP (family planning) PF (planning familial)
GIS SGI (système gastro-intestinal)
GUS (no known abbreviation) appareil génito-urinaire
IVF FIV (fécondation in vitro)
MRI IRM (imagerie par résonance magnétique)
OM OM (otite (de l’oreille) moyenne)
PMB (no known abbreviation) saignement vaginal postménopausique / métrorragie postménopausique
PND DP (dépression postnatale)
PROM RPM (rupture prématurée des membranes)
RS SR (système respiratoire) / VR (voies respiratoires) / appareil respiratoire (no known abbreviation)
RTA ACR (accident de la circulation routière)
SEN (old qualification, no longer issued. There are still many enrolled nurses, but many have 'converted' to Registered Nurse) IDE (infirmier ou infirmière diplômé(e) d'État)
VD (obsolete – see STD : sexually transmitted disease) MST (maladie sexuellement transmissible)
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Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Erratum   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 6:17 am

Just noticed that my AutoCorreet interfered with one of the translated terms:-

hémogramme sanguine should read hémogramme sanguin
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - French - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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