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 Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak

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PostSubject: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Feb 03, 2009 9:12 am

Due to the success of the Polish interpretation of the standard medical terms we have now decided to get the Czech/Slovak translation. cheers

Please find below a list of standard medical terms. As per the email sent to you, please provide your own translation for these terms as we are hoping to come up with a standard document in several languages.

The Medical terms we require to be translated are listed in bold on the left hand side of the page and there is a definition next to some in brackets should you need further clarification on what it actually means in English.

Please feel free to post a comment on the forum if you need any help as that is what it is here for!! As you will see from the Polish translation discussion, there are a few comments and suggestions. lol!

Unfortunately there is no option of uploading a file on to the forum as yet so you can either post your translations on here or you can email a copy back to us at the office (for the attention of Jenny ) Please bear in mind that if you post your translations onto the forum, it gives others the opportunity to comment and correct any errors which is the whole point of this exercise!

DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough))
PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine= agains pneumococcal infection that causes meningitis, ear infections, (otitis), pneumonia)
HIBb (Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a bacteria responsible for severe pneumonia, meningitis and other invasive diseases almost exclusively in children aged less than 5 years)
MenC (Protects against meningitis and septicaemia)
MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella)
IVP (Injection against the infection with the polio virus (infantile paralysis))
BCG (Vaccine against tuberculosis)
HepB (Vaccine against hepatitis B, to children whose mothers are Hepatitis B positive)

Amenorrhea (Stopping of menstruation)
Amniotic sac (A protective, fluid-filled bag that surrounds the fetus)
Angina (Pain (due to an inadequate supply of blood) in the chest, brought on by exertion and relieved by rest- a narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle)
Antenatal (Prenatal)
Anti D (Injection for women with Rhesus negative)
Atherosclerosis (Accumulation of cholesterol and other fatty substances in the walls of arteries, causing them to narrow)

Blackout (temporary loss of consciousness or vision)
Blood count (Test for the blood to check the red and/or white cells)
Blood pressure cuff(The pad that goes round one’s arm when BP is taken)
Bowels (the intestine)
Breakdown of a substance
Breech birth (The fetus presents buttocks first)

Cerumen (Ear wax)
Cervical smear test (is a screening test which allows doctors to predict those women who are likely to develop cancer of the neck of the womb (carcinoma of the cervix) in time to prevent it developing)
Cervix (Neck of the womb)
Chickenpox (a disease, commonly of children, caused by the varicella zoster virus and characterized by mild headache and fever, malaise, and eruption of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes)
Collapse (To fall with your face downwards)
Compulsive need
Convulsion (contortion of the body caused by violent, involuntary muscular contractions of the extremities, trunk, and head)
Coronary angiography (A test to image narrowed arteries with the help of a catheter and contrast dye)
Cramps (a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscles)
C-section (Caesarean section) (The baby is delivered through an incision through the mother’s abdomen)

Depression (a low state of vital powers or functional activity)
Diphtheria (a febrile, infectious disease caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and characterized by the formation of a false membrane in the air passages, esp. the throat)
Disorder (An ailment that affects the function of mind or body)
Drug abuse (Excessive use of drugs)

Ectopic pregnancy (Pregnancy developed outside the uterus)
Embryo (The developing baby during the first 8 weeks)
Episiotomy (An incision made in the perineum to enlarge the birth opening and prevent a ragged tear)
Erysipelas (A contagious disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues due to infection with a streptococcus – with redness and swelling of the skin)
Erythema multiforme (Redness of the skin due to congestion of capillaries)
Exertion (Physical effort)
Express milk (to press or squeeze out)

Failure Kidney failure (A decline in strength or effectiveness of an organ)
Fetal distress (Physical stress experienced by a fetus during labour due to lack of oxygen)
Fetus (the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth)
Fit (a sudden, acute attack or manifestation of a disease, esp. one marked by convulsions or unconsciousness: a fit of epilepsy)
Full term pregnancy

Gall bladder (a pear-shaped, muscular sac attached to the undersurface of the right lobe of the liver, in which bile is stored and concentrated)
Gums (he firm, fleshy tissue covering the alveolar parts of either jaw and enveloping the necks of the teeth)
Groin (The fold or hollow on either side of the front of the body where the thigh joins the abdomen)

Hay fever (a type of allergic rhinitis affecting the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, caused by pollen and other plants)
Heartburn (an uneasy burning sensation in the stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus, and sometimes associated with the eructation of an acid fluid)
Hepatitis A (The most benign, an inflammation of the liver cells – leaves no long-term side effects)
Hepatitis B (caused by HBV (hepatitis virus B))
History (medical) (the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient)
Hyperemesis (Severe vomiting during pregnancy with inability to keep any food or fluids down)

Impairment Renal impairment (To weaken or damage)
Influenza (An acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration)
Inguinal hernia (a common type of hernia in which a loop of the intestine protrudes directly through a weak area of the abdominal wall in the groin region)
Inpatient (a patient who stays in a hospital while receiving medical care or treatment)
Irritation (A condition of inflammation, soreness, or irritability of a bodily organ or part.)

Jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, etc., due to an increase of bile pigments in the blood, often symptomatic of certain diseases, as hepatitis)

Knee jerk (Involuntary movement of the muscle)

Labour (before birth) (concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child)

Mastitis (Painful inflammation of breast tissue, usually due to an overfilling of the breast with milk)
Measles (An eruptive disease mostly in children, with red spots)
Miscarriage (The expulsion of a fetus before its due time)
Morbidity/ Source of morbidity (The rate of incidence of a disease.)
Mumps (An inflammatory disease, characterised by swelling of the parotid and salivary glands)
Myocardial infarction (Loss of blood supply to part of the heart due to a blockage in the coronary artery – heart attack)
Mid-stream urine
Mitral valve prolapse
Mottled (to mark or diversify with spots or blotches of a different color or shade)

Nasal polyps (a projecting growth from a mucous surface, as of the nose, being either a tumor or a hypertrophy of the mucous membrane)
Neonate (New born)
Nocturia (Excessive urination at night)
Notification (Official registration)

Operating theatre
Outpatient treatment (Treatment in hospital for a patient who is not hospitalized.)

Pass urine/a kidney stone (to discharge or void from the body, as excrement or a kidney stone)
Pathogen (Any disease-producing agent)
Pertussis (A highly contagious disease of the respiratory system, usually affecting children, that is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and is characterized in its advanced stage by spasms of coughing interspersed with deep, noisy inspirations)
Postnatal (After birth)
Prostration (extreme physical weakness or exhaustion)

Referral to hospital (A paper given by the GP to send one to hospital)
Rubella (a usually mild contagious viral disease characterized by fever, mild upper respiratory congestion, and a fine red rash lasting a few days: if contracted by a woman during early pregnancy, it may cause serious damage to the fetus)
Rash (A skin eruption)
RhD positive (Rhesus factor positive) (Individuals either have or don’t have the Rhesus factor (or Rh D antigen) on the surface of their red blood cells. This is usually indicated by 'RhD positive' (does have the RhD antigen) or 'RhD negative' (does not have the antigen))
RhD negative

Sanitation (the development and application of sanitary measures for the sake of cleanliness, protecting health;the disposal of sewage and solid waste)
Seizure (A sudden attack, spasm, or convulsion, as in epilepsy or another disorder)
Sore/soreness (physically painful or sensitive)
Specimen of urine
Stillbirth (The delivery of a dead fetus after week 20 of the pregnancy)
Stroke (Also called apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident. Pathology. a blockage or hemorrhage of a blood vessel leading to the brain, causing inadequate oxygen supply and, depending on the extent and location of the abnormality, such symptoms as weakness, paralysis of parts of the body, speech difficulties, and, if severe, loss of consciousness or death)
Stupor (suspension or great diminution of sensibility, as in disease or as caused by narcotics, intoxicants)

Tachycardia (Recurrent episodes of rapid heart rate)
Tenderness (Pain)
Terminal illness
Termination of pregnancy
Tetanus (an infectious, often fatal disease caused by a specific bacterium that enters the body through wounds and characterized by respiratory paralysis and tonic spasms and rigidity of the voluntary muscles, esp. those of the neck and lower jaw)
The baby doesn’t THRIVE (Doesn’t develop)
Tonsillitis (Inflammation of the tonsils)
Twitch (a quick, jerky movement of the body or of some part of it, involuntary, spasmodic movement of a muscle)

Ultrasound (The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, specifically to image an internal body structure, monitor a developing fetus, or generate localized deep heat to the tissues.)

Wheeze (to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound)
Withdrawal symptom (Need to withdraw from social encounters)


BP (Blood pressure)
BTW (Birth weight)
CAD (Coronary artery diseaseNarrowing of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the muscles)
CT (Computerised tomography)
CSC-section (Cesarian sectionan operation by which a fetus is taken from the uterus by cutting through the walls of the abdomen and uterus)
CVA (Cardiovascular accident)
CVC (Cardiovascular)
EFG (Encephalogram)
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
ENT (Ear, nose, throat)
FPC (Family planning clinic)
GIS (Gastro intestinal system)
GUS (Genito urinary system)
IVF (In vitro fertilisation)
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)
OM (Otitis media)
PMB (Postmenopausal bleeding)
PND (Postnatal depression)
PROM (Premature rupture of membranes)
RS (Respiratory system)
RTA (Road traffic accident)
SEN (State enrolled nurse)
VD (Venereal disease = arising from, connected with, or transmitted through sexual intercourse, as an infection.)
XR (x-ray)

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PostSubject: Translation of Legal Terminology   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 6:14 am

Hi All

Due to the success of the medical translation, we have decided to upload some standard court terms for translation this week!

I have laid them out in the same way as the medical terms in that the word(s) to be translated are in bold on the left hand side with a brief definition in brackets alongside to aid with the understanding of the word.

Have fun and thanks in advance



High Court of Justiciary (It deals with the most serious crimes. It can impose up to life imprisonment and there is no limit on the monetary penalty it can impose.)

Sheriff Court (Uses both summary and solemn procedure. In summary offences the Sheriff can fine up to £5000 and imprison a first offender for 3 months. Certain repeat offenders can be imprisoned up to 6 months. When using solemn procedure the Sheriff can imprison for up to 3 years, impose an unlimited fine, or if the Sheriff thinks the case is serious enough can remit the accused to the High Court for sentencing.)

District Court (Can imprison for up to 60 days or impose a fine not exceeding £2,500. Deals only with summary procedure, and more minor offences. Has a power to remit a case to the Sheriff court but this power is seldom exercised.)

Lord Advocate (The head of the prosecution service in Scotland. Issues instructions and guidance to Procurators Fiscal and to the police. The Lord Advocate, or more usually advocates depute will conduct trials in the High Court.)

Procurator Fiscal (Local prosecutors throughout Scotland, assisted by one or more Procurator Fiscal Deputes who conduct prosecutions in the Sheriff and District Courts and prepare serious cases by way of Precognition.)

Accused (The person who sits in the dock accused of committing the crime on the indictment or complaint.)

Defence Agent (This term includes the lawyers, a solicitor or advocate, who will act on behalf of an accused.)

Clerk (Each court will have a clerk who will normally sit in front of the judge and record the proceedings.)


Solemn Procedure (Uses a jury (of 15) to hear more serious cases. Notification of the charges is contained in an indictment that runs in the name of the Lord Advocate.)

Summary Procedure (No jury, hears more minor cases. Notification of the charges is contained in a complaint that runs in the name of the local Procurator Fiscal.)

Common Law (Has built up over time through custom and practice and decisions of the courts. Most crimes are crimes at common law, e.g. murder, rape, assault, theft.)

Statutory Law (Parliament either in Westminster or Edinburgh can legislate to make certain actions criminal. Such legislation may also alter the powers of sentencing. Examples include Road Traffic Act 1988 and Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.)

Public Interest (All crimes are prosecuted in the public interest. A prosecution can take place even where the parties involved have come to some form of private agreement. The Lord Advocate and Procurators Fiscal decide whether to prosecute.)

Precognition (The process by which a Procurator Fiscal prepares a case under solemn procedure. This will include interviewing witnesses at his/her office.)

Bail (An accused person may be released from custody on bail. Conditions are attached and extra conditions, such as not to enter a specified area or contact a named individual, may be imposed. Only a court can alter a bail order)

Social Enquiry Report (Prepared by a social worker who reports to the court on an accused's personal circumstances and their suitability for the various types of sentence.)


Custody Court (Where people appearing from custody first appear. Under solemn procedure an accused will appear on petition and may be committed for further examination or fully committed until liberated in due course of law. The accused is not asked to plead guilty or not guilty)

Diet Court or Pleas Court (Under summary procedure the first calling of non-custody cases, when the accused is asked to plead guilty or not guilty.)

Intermediate Diet Court (For summary cases, a week or two before the trial, at which the accused must appear and state his/her plea and preparedness for trial.)

First Diet Court (For solemn cases, a week or two before the trial at which the accused must appear and state his/her plea and preparedness for trial.)

Trial Court (Where trials take place, can often be more than one in busier courts.)

Remand Court (Deal with continued business such as deferred sentences.)

Fines Enquiry Court (Where the court will ask an accused why they have not paid their fine. Can give them more time to pay, a supervised attendance order or order imprisonment.)


Absolute Discharge (A court may in exceptional circumstances grant an absolute discharge; whilst the accused has been convicted, no criminal conviction is recorded against their name and they are free to go.)

Admonished (Warned by the court to behave.)

Community Service Order (Unpaid work for the community, administered by the Social Work Department.)

Deferred Sentence (Court may defer sentence for a number of reasons. It may defer for up to a year to see if an accused person has been of good behaviour.)

Disqualification (Court may disqualify an accused from driving for a specified period.)

Drug Treatment and Testing Order (Intensive form of probation in which an accused undertakes compulsory drug treatment and testing.)

Endorsement (In driving offences penalty points may be endorsed on a driving licence.)

Fine (Can be paid by instalments. Payments are to the clerk.)

Imprisonment (Sent to jail.)

Probation (Can involve additional conditions, such as to undergo medical treatment, but will involve compulsory meetings with a social worker to discuss the problems in an accused’s life, e.g. alcoholism, drug addiction.)

Supervised Attendance Order (If a fine is unpaid court may impose such an order requiring an accused to attend at a scheme run by the social work department.)

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Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 8:33 pm

Amenorrhea - CZ: Amenorea (vynechávání menstruace)
SK: Amenorea (vynechávanie menštruácie)

Amniotic sac - Plodový vak

Angina - Angína Pectoris

Antenatal - CZ: prenatální, předporodný

Anti D - CZ: Anti D imunoglobulin (protilátka proti antigenu D v Rh systému, podává se Rh negativní matce po porodu)

Atherosclerosis - CZ: Ateroskleróza (kornatění tepen)
SK: Ateroskleróza (vápenatenie tepien)
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 9:13 pm

Blackout - Výpadek (dočasná ztráta paměti nebo vědomí)

Bladder - Močový měchýř

Blood count - Krevní obraz

Blood pressure cuff - Tlakoměr

Bowels (the intestine) - CZ: Vnitřnosti, střeva
SK: Vnútornosti, črevá

Breakdown of a substance[/b] - ?

Breech birth - CZ: Porod koncem pánevním
SK: Pôrod v pánevnej polohe
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PostSubject: Note regarding training course   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 9:17 am


Please contact Jenny at the office if you would like to attend
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 1:01 pm

Cerumen (ear wax) - CZ: ušní maz
SK: ušný maz

Cervical smear test - CZ: cervikální výtěr (slouží k prevenci rakoviny děložního hrdla)
SK: cervikálny výter (slúži na prevenciu rakoviny maternicového krčku)

cervix - CZ: děložní čípek
SK: maternicový krčok

chickenpox - CZ: plané neštovice (vysoce infekční virové běžné dětské onemocnění, charakterizované svědivou puchýřnatou virážkou)
SK: plané kiahne (infekčné ochorenie so svrbivou pľuzgierovitou vyrážkou)
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 1:58 pm

collapse - kolaps (zhroutit se)

compulsive need - povinné potřeby Question

convulsion - CZ: křeč (nefyziologický stav, kdy dochází k stahu kosterní nebo hladké svaloviny)
SK: kŕč

coronary angiography - koronárni angiografie (test, který pomáhá zobrazit zúžené tepny)

cramps - CZ: kreče
SK: kŕče

C-section (Ceasarean section) - CZ: císařský řez
SK: cisársky rez
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 2:16 pm

depression - deprese

dipththeria - záškrt, diftérie (projevuje se zápalem sliznic, otokem a uzavřením průchodu horních cest dýchacích, původcem je baterie Corznebacterium diptherie)

disorder - porucha

drug abuse - narkomanie
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 3:46 pm

Episiotomy - CZ: epiziotomie (chirurgické nastřihnutí hráze - oblasti mezi vagínou a konečníkem)
SK: epiziotómia, nastrihnutie hrádze (rez hrádze v druhom štádiu pôrodu)

Erysipelas - CZ: erysipel (akutní erytémové onemocnění kůže a vrchní vrstvy pokožky - vředy na doních končetinćh neo na obličeji)

Erythema multiforme - CZ: multifomní erytém, zarudnutí kůže (způsobené zánětem, rozšířením nebo zmnožením cév)

Exertion - CZ: vynaložení sil, úsilí, námaha

Express milk - CZ: vymačkat mlíko
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 4:15 pm

Failure Kidney failure - CZ: selhání ledvin
SK: zlyhanie obličiek

Fetal distress - nebezpečí plodu (fyzická zátěž plodu způsobená nedostatkem kyslíku u porodních bolestí)

Fetus - plod (nenarozené mládě v průbehu od osmého týdne od početí až do narození)

Fit - nával (náhlý nebo akutní projev nemoci, záchvat nebo bezvědomí)
a fit of epilepsy - epileptický záchvat

Full term pregnancy - plně dokončené těhotenství
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 4:23 pm

Gall bladder - CZ: žlučník
SK: žlčník

Gums - CZ: dásně
SK: ďasná

groin - CZ: tříslo
SK: slabina
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PostSubject: translation of medical terms (CZ)   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 3:46 am

"compulsive need" - nutkání (CZ)
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Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 8:06 pm

Hay fever - SK:senná nádcha
CZ: senná rýma

Heartburn - CZ: pálení žáhy
SK:pálenie záhy

Hepatitis A - SK: hepatitída A (zápal pečene - žltačka)
CZ: hepatitida A (zánět jater - žloutenka) Je způsobena RNA virem hepatitidy A (HAV)

Hepatitis B - hepatitda B (Je způsobena DNA virem hepatitidy B (HBV))

History (medical) - SK: zdravotná karta

Hyperemesis - CZ: Hyperemesis (Jedná se o těžkou formu těhotenského zvracení)
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 8:26 pm

Impairment Renal impairment (To weaken or damage) - SK: poškodenie ľadvín scratch

Influenza - CZ: chřipka
SK: chrípka

Inguinal hernia - CZ: kýla (v oblasti třísla)
SK: prietrž (v oblasti slabín)

Inpatient - hospitalizovaný pacient

Intake - CZ: nabírání (dechu)

Irritation - SK: podráždenie
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 8:54 pm

Jaundice - CZ: žloutenka
SK: žltačka

Joint - CZ: kloub
SK: kĺb

Knee jerk - reflex kolena

Labour - porodní bolesti

Mastitis - CZ: mastitis (zánět mléčné žlázy)
SK: zápal prsnej žľazy

Measles - CZ: Osypky, spalničky
SK: Osýpky , červienka

Miscarriage - Potrat

Morbidity/ Source of morbidity - chorobnost, nemocnost

Mumps - CZ: příušnice
SK: Mumps

Myocardial infarction - CZ: srdečný záchvat, infarkt

Mid-stream urine - moč středního proudu? confused

Mitral valve prolapse - CZ: Prolaps mitrální chlopně (poškození cípů mitrální chlopně, které vede k vydouvání části mitrální chlopně do levé síně během systoly (stahu) levé komory srdeční, což může být spojeno s nedomykavostí mitrální chlopně. Jedná se o nejčastější diagnostikovanou srdeční abnormalitu)

Mottled - skvrnitý, pokrytý skvrnami
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2009 7:16 am

Nasal polyps - CZ: nosní polypy

Neonate - CZ: novorozeně

Nocturia - CZ: časté noční močení

Notification - CZ: nahlášení

Operating theatre - CZ: operační sál

Outpatient treatment - CZ: ambulantní léčení pacienta

Pass urine/a kidney stone - CZ: ledvinový kámen

Pathogen - CZ:patogen

Pertussis - CZ: černý kašel

Postnatal - CZ: postanatální, poprodní

Prostration - CZ: vyčerpání
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2009 7:50 am

Rectum - konečník

Referral to hospital - odkaz od doktora do nemocnice? confused

Rubella - CZ: zarděnka
SK: ružienka (začervenanie kože s vyrážkami)

Rash - vyrážka

RhD positive - Rh D pozitívny

RhD negative - Rh D negatívny

Sanitation - CZ: sanace
SK: sanitácia

Seizure - záchvat

Smallpox - CZ:pravé neštovice
SK: kiahne

Sore/soreness - bolest

Specimen of urine - CZ: vzorek moči
SK:vzorka moči

Starch - škrob scratch

Stillbirth (The delivery of a dead fetus after week 20 of the pregnancy) - porod mrtvého dítěte

Stroke - CZ: mrtvice
SK: mŕtvica

Stupor - CZ: otupění, omámení
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PostSubject: Re: Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak   Translation of Standard Medical Terms - Czech / Slovak Icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2009 8:18 am

Tachycardia - CZ: tachykardie
SK: tachzkardia (ide o veľmi zrýchlený rytmus srdca = zrýchlený pulz)

Tenderness (Pain) - citlivost

Terminal illness - CZ: smrtelná nemoc
SK: smrteľná choroba

Termination of pregnancy - SK: ukončenie tehotenstva, interupcia

Tetanus - SK: Tetanus (strnutie šije)

The baby doesn’t THRIVE - CZ: dítě se nerozvíjí

Tonsillitis (Inflammation of the tonsils) - CZ: zánět mandlí

Twitch - CZ: škubnutí, cuknutí

Ultrasound - ultrazvuk

Wheeze - CZ: těžce dýchat

Withdrawal symptom - CZ: odvykací syndrom
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